Valle dei Laghi

  • Cavedine


    The current name refers to the two villas that make up the administrative center: Laguna and Musté progressively brought together by the building evolution into a rather uniform urban fabric. Laguna is…

  • Lago di Toblino

    Maso Toresella

    The construction of the Villa began in the sixteenth century, was commissioned by the Princes Bishops of Trento, and is located on the shores of Lake Toblino. Including the vineyards, it has…

  • Viote

    Mont Bondone Viote

    At the centre of Mount Bondone, approximately 1,500m above sea level, is the Viote plateau, which is surrounded by four peaks: Mount Palon (2090m above sea level), which overlooks the Adige Valley…

  • Toblino

    Toblino Castle

    Famous for romantic legends and idle holidays of the Episcopalian Court, Toblino Castle is a rare example of a lacustrine fortress in Trentino. It was probably a prehistoric fortified settlement, i.e. Roman,…