Borgo Valsugana is located in a choke point of the Sugana Valley, and sprang up around the Brenta River with Mount Colin to the north and Mount Rocchetta to the South, neither of which have very high peaks.
Its historic centre is the only one in Trentino to straddle both banks of the Brenta River. Its monuments include the archpriestal church dedicated to the Nativity of Mary, an interesting building dating back to the 18th century with paintings and relics of its patron saint, the bell tower designed by Tommaso Temanza, and the nearby Church of San Rocco, which is small but covered in frescoes by Francesco Corradi. Close by the building where Napoleon Bonaparte slept when he passed through the Sugana Valley. The main spare is home to the Church of Sant’Anna, which was once part of a vast convent and was one of the few buildings left standing after the fire of 1862, which destroyed much of the town. Another building that survived is the current town hall, which boasts pretty little cloister.
The historic centre (and above all the area known as ‘Borgo Vècio’ or ‘Borgo Vecchio’) features lots of ancient buildings, with interesting gateways, frescoes and other decorations.