The Fies Power Plant

Built in the early 20th century and still partly operational, since 2002 the Fies Hydroelectric Power Plant has been a hub for lovers of theatre, film, communication and, more generally, the performing arts. The aim is to make it a point of reference for contemporary culture in the province of Trento and Italy, bringing the most innovative developments in performing arts to the area. Big names from the world of theatre put on shows specially designed for the Plant, which are alternated with poetry readings and dance performances.
Located in a natural environment of great value on the banks of the River Sarca and surrounded by the Marocche, the power plant, which lies a stone’s throw from Dro, is one of the most important examples of industrial architecture in the region, transformed from an electrical power plant into an art centre.
Three projects are carried out at a time, also thanks to a partnership with Hydro Dolomiti Energia. As well as providing housing for young artists and creating a system for carrying out all stages in the production of a work, from design to vision, the centre produces and co-produces new national and international artistic projects and shows in partnership with important European stakeholders. It also hosts events, performances, concerts, exhibitions, and meetings.


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