Palace of the Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme

Used in the beginning as a summer residence by the prince bishops of Trento, after a long period of decline started at the end of the sixteenth century, the palace was entrusted to the Bavarian government which turned it into a judicial prison.
In 1850 the building was purchased by the General Community of the Valle di Fiemme which, with various restoration campaigns, restored the original splendor to the building.
The noble Renaissance residence houses an extraordinary collection of works of art, the most significant part of which is represented by the paintings of the major representatives of the Fiemme School of Painting, active from the beginning of the seventeenth century until the end of the nineteenth.
The last restorations have also made accessible the nineteenth-century prisons that, with their evocative engravings, recount lives, memories and convictions of the prisoners.


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