
  • Lavarone

    Belvedere Fort

    Werk Gschwent, better known as Fort Belvedere, sits 1,177m above sea level on a spur of grey chalky rock dating back to the Jurassic period overhanging the Astico and Rio Torto Valleys.…

  • Folgaria

    Cherle Fort

    Built between 1909 and 1914, the Cherle Fort was part of the Sperre Folgaria. It was the largest of all those in the area, it was two kilometers from the border, and…

  • Levico Terme

    Fort Colle delle Benne

    The Colle delle Benne fort is an Austro-Hungarian military fort located near the town of Ronchi del Col de le Bène in the municipal area of ​​Levico Terme, in the province of…

  • Luserna

    Fort Luserna

    Fort Campo in Luserna (in German: Wek Lusern) is a military fortress located 1,549m above sea level on the Cima Campo Plain in Luserna. It was built between 1908 and 1912, and…

  • Folgaria

    Fort Serrada

    Built on the Dosso del Sommo peak on the Serrada plateau 1665 metres above sea level, the fort Serrada marks the edge of the Terragnolo Valley and the Borcola Pass. It was…

  • Folgaria

    Fort Sommo Alto

    Fort Sommo Alto was used to watch over the Coe Pass and the Malga Melegna Plain. Smaller than Fort Serrada, it was built as an intermediary outpost so as to be able…

  • Levico Terme

    Fort Tenna

    Fort Tenna (in German: Werk Tenna) is an Austro-Hungarian military fort located on a hill that divides the Caldonazzo and Levico Lakes, near the town of Tenna, in the Province of Trento.…

  • Folgaria

    Fort Verle

    Fort Busa Verle is located 1506m above sea level in Passo Vezzena – Malga Verle. A fortified shellproof building, it was used to block Italian advances from the valley below. It was…

  • Vermiglio

    Velon Fort

    Fort supporting the overlying Strino fort.